

Friday, July 27, 2018

Escaping from Reality into Nature

At the trailhead, signs are posted warning hikers about the heat.  The Park Service seems tired of search and rescues, which they say have increased this year.  


They have even placed a big thermometer at the trailhead and a picture of a helicopter rescue.  

I fear the trail for good reasons, realizing that my fear is a handicap I must overcome, because the trail is where I am happiest.  I overcome by starting at first light, carrying lots of water, and being careful.  Then I return and let the air conditioner wash over me.  

If I squint hard enough into the cactus, I see one who makes it on her own, who has weighed marriage in the balance and found it lacking.  Perhaps I am like the cacti, the more durable green of summer.  

After climbing over a ridge and looking into the next dry wash, something green is in the distance.  Zoomed in it is truly green  

Now it is closer, and they are palm trees.  

Unexpectedly lush, an  oasis in the Mojave Desert.


  1. She says her fear
    is a handicap.
    Cactus' spines prevent
    tired travelers
    from staying too long.
    from rest.

  2. oops! Quick someone make that into a five line tanka!

    1. She says her fear
      is a handicap.
      Cactus spines prevent
      tired travelers
      from rest

    2. I'm glad you missed the possession of cactus spines, Susan and Lois. It's best they keep them. A good collaborative tanka, while Cactus, not cactus, does the preventing. She's a mean one.

  3. I heard that all Cacti produce flowers, which I think they are unbelievably fresh and beautiful, especially when compared with their often mean looking surface.

    1. No flowers on the cacti this time of year, Keiko. They are smart enough to defer sex to cooler weather. Come in winter, after a rain, they promise to the bees that they will be lovely.

  4. Looks like you have plenty of mothering in all the signs about you, so I'll spare you

    Those cactus spines are enough to deter me

    that's 'my' excuse for staying here on my mountain in our own record high temps

    1. Oh,Junnie the spines are not so bad, and the rattlesnakes mean no harm. There is the Pinto Gneiss to understand and the White Tank Monzogranite, all intruded by the Malpai Basalt. It's all so fascinating.
